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Let your Personality create an Impact #Prerna #BlogchatterA2Z

Personality is the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinct character. One’s personality plays a major role in  life . It’s not just about that first  impression but the lasting impression  you create on others mind .

Let your personality be powerful enough that people talk about even at your back , Let your personality be attractive enough that people may feel jealous of , Let your personality create an Impact .

Personality is not just about your face , the  fashion clothes you are wearing or the latest gadgets you are playing with . It’s lot more than that .personality

How to have a powerful personality ?

  1. Dress well

The very first thing people notice in you is what you are wearing  and how well you are carrying it . Your clothes need not be very fashionable, branded or costly but they should be neat and should appeal on you according to your age and body structure .

2. Wear Confidence

One of the major components of a powerful personality is Confidence . Wear confidence in your walk and your talk . Look into the eyes of the other person when you keep your point of view in any discussion . Make a habit of walking  tall and straight always .

3. Eat healthy

Your eating habits define your health and that’s what is your personality . Have good healthy eating habits – like lots of salad , more veggies and avoid junk . Good eating habits help to keep your weight under control , make you feel good from inside , your skin starts glowing and all that’s reflected on your physical personality .

4. Exercise regularly

Adopt any exercise schedule but please be regular in that . Daily exercise keeps you away from many diseases and  also helps reduce the  stress levels . Exercising releases endorphins which make make you feel good and positive . Don’t skip your exercise schedule even when you had a hectic day or you have an headache .


5. Laugh more

Find more of laughing moments in your family , friends or colleagues . Laughing keeps you always in high spirits and you get a pleasing personality . People love to be around happy personalities . In today’s stressed life who would want to be surrounded by serious and boring people ? Smile more and Laugh often , share jokes , try to laugh even at the daily stress bundles that come your way .

6. Be considerate

Listen to other people carefully , respect their feelings , share emotions , try to help them in whichever form you can , Be considerate . Be a warm hearted , an affectionate person. That’s the most beautiful jewel  you can wear  on your personality .

7. Always be Polite but Firm

Being polite is good but it’s not possible always , rather it should not always be . Take a stand where you feel right and express your thoughts firmly . It’s good to say NO at times and it’s not too beneficial to be polite every time. Be a straightforward person with a smile .

8. It’s good to make little adjustments

Sometimes it’s good to make little adjustment to honour your friendship or family relationship.  Making compromises is difficult but adjustments to a certain extent are fine .

9. No need to gulp your anger

Don’t feel guilty if you found something wrong and felt angry . No need to gulp your anger , don’t let it burn you inside , express it outside . Let others hear the Voice . Let your personality be a combo of polite and harsh both . Have you heard what is often said in hindi :—–इतना मीठा न बनो कि दुनिया तुम्हे गुड़ समझ के निगल जाये , hope you have understood .

10. Work in your profession with Passion

Whatever profession you are in , do your work with sincerity and passionately . No compromises there . Keep yourself updated with the latest skills  of your profession , work honestly and be creative . Your work would speak tonnes about your personality .

11. Be courageous

Be Brave and keep accepting new challenges , whether they are at professional level or in your personal life . Start doing the things which scare you . Don’t fear . The best way to overcome fear is to face it . (That’s my favourite quote )

12. Pray or Meditate daily

Keep few minutes out of your 24 hours specially for prayers or meditation . Be thankful for what you have . Have conversation with  the supreme power before you sleep . Share all good or bad happenings in your life . But don’t be in complaining mode . Prayers boost your morale and bring calmness in your life . A calm smiling face and  a strengthened mind makes a great personality . So why not subscribe to God’s wi-fi ?

Your personality speaks volumes about you . It is a combination of many traits  . You already have many positive traits , adopt a few more and let your personality create an Impact .

Be yourself ! Be Original ! Be positive ! Be Fearless !








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