“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given, than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ——Muhammad Ali
Do you also use the big word – Impossible ? Do you know what is Impossible ? Have you ever tried doing the work before calling it Impossible ?
Did you try Impossible ?
Impossibility is in your mind . Go and Fix it .
There are many people who only do talking , lot of talking but they just don’t want to work hard , do something new , explore new potentials or develop their capabilities . They are very happy with their easy world and feel happier in eating/sleeping or enjoy other petty issues like criticizing or pulling others down . Do you also come in this category of people ?
Are you afraid of change and too lazy for work-hard attitude ? Are you scared of stepping out of the easy zone ?What you call Impossible is actually nothing . The work may be hard , very hard , it may take long time but it is not impossible .
Thomas Edison , inventor of the incandescent light bulb , was once asked ” Sir , you have still not succeeded in your project although you have tried thousands of times ”
Edison replied ” It inspires me even more as I have found thousands of ways in which it won’t work ”
What seemed Impossible at some time became a great invention.
So you must always try the Impossible . Go beyond whatever is already possible in your life , strive towards change , work hard , inspire yourself and progress.
*Challenge yourself with Impossible to keep your spirits high
Do you find your life sometimes stagnant ? Are you just busy in 9 to 5 job ? Do you love calling this routine affair as your wonderful Life ? Are you happy to live all your years this way ? Don’t you find your thinking power drifting backwards ?
To keep your spirits high , your mind full of passion and your skills alive ,
Challenge yourself with Impossible (I mean which is said to be impossible ) , work towards it whole-heartedly , struggle , and also enjoy the journey . Go beyond whatever is already possible in your life . Remember – It was impossible until it was done .
As the Indian philosopher Patanjali said :-
When you challenge yourself with Impossible , your mind transcends limitations and your consciousness expands in every direction . Every part of your body and mind starts working towards that work . Dormant forces and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be .
Did you try to fix the Impossible in your mind ?
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