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Food Mindfulness :Be conscious of your food plate

Food Mindfulness – Have you heard about that ?

Fitness  , Health , Weightloss are the buzzing keywords in today’s times . We all want to be healthy , maintain an ideal weight , look smart and feel good . Exercise and Diet form two important aspects if you are on fitness or weightloss journey .

Maintaining an ideal weight may be difficult but staying close to the ideal is achievable with small but consistent efforts .

You start with your walking or gym schedule  , strive hard todo it on routine basis but when after a month or so  you don’t see any results , the motivationgoes down the track and then you start making excuses . May be the cause isthat you didn’t focus at all on your diet.

You start with a dieting plan , but after a few days youstart feeling lethargic , plus your body’s tone-up gets deteriorated . May bebecause excessive dieting caused you headache , muscle loss or generalirritability .

So the point is:

Exercise and Diet have to be in a balanced order for a healthy body and mind . They go hand in hand .

Workout , sweat out , stretch yourself and eat  quality foods in moderation . After any workout you do , don’t intend to eat more just because you thought that you have burnt much calories and are now eligible for eating junk or more .

Food Mindfulness – Be conscious of your food plate


Make a schedule of your meals and every time you eat , be conscious of what’s there in your plate . Keep a check .

*** Is the food in your plate just the right quantity your body needs ?  (Pay attention  to the word needs here , don’t think it as – Is it the right quantity your body demands ? Because demands may be unnecessary and unhealthy)

***Is the food in your plate too sugary ? Keep them aside especially if they contain refined sugar. The products can be sugary tea , coffee ,biscuits , juices , soft drinks , cakes , sweets like  barfi or  gulabjamun  or even  the cornflakes which you think of as very healthy for weightloss. Please check the box of any such cereals before you buy .

Refined sugar aids the risks of obesity, diabetes and even cancer

***Is the food in your plate too much white ? Harmful whites are wheatflour , refined flour , white rice and white bread. Please try to avoid or atleast lower these complex carbohydrates . Be conscious , Make a check and try to find their healthy alternatives. Replace white with brown – white rice with brown rice , refined wheat flour  with bran mixed flour and white bread with brown bread or multigrain bread. ( I am doubtful about this multigrain bread too)

***Is the food in your plate having salad and fruits ? Try to include different coloured fruits in your daily diet . Seasonal salads and fruits are very nutritious as they give amount of fibre , vitamins and minerals . Just don’t keep looking at the calories a fruit has but also keep in mind their other benefits . An Apple has 75 calories and is a great source of antioxidants . A mango has more than 100 calories , is a great source of potassium but contains quite a lot of sugar. A banana also has 100 calories and is a very good source of dietary fibre .

A balanced intake of all natural fruits and salads is the key to good health and happiness .

If you want to reap benefits of all fruits in one go along with a good intake amount  of water then you must try the fruit infuser bottle by Instacuppa . This premium bottle is made of steel and has a separate infuser unit in which you can put all fruits of your choice and let water make a tasty & nutritive drink which acts as detox drink too. What else you need ?

***Is the food in your plate less or high on carbs ? Is it a right combo of protein and good fat ? Try replacing your carbs with oats , eggs , peanut, roasted chana , almonds, walnuts , and don’t forget curd in bfast or lunch.

***Is your dinner plate small ? It should be, as they say ‘ Have bfast like a king and dinner like a beggar ‘  Have very light dinner because by night, our metabolism is slow and has tendency of converting food to fat . So have a light dinner and don’t put any burden on your digestive system .  It is one of the greatest help in weightloss . Give it a try and you will feel a better  sleep also.

In addition to all the above , I think you must include nuts and green tea in your daily intake .

You just have to be conscious of your food plate . Just don’t go after the taste , first see the health benefits or bad effects of whatever you are eating . Of course cheating is allowed a bit, but not daily . You are responsible for your health yourself . So why not get conscious of your food plate ?

Food Mindfulness – think before eating . Be conscious of your food plate .

This article is written as a part of SuperBloggerChallenge conducted by , powered by Instacuppa and should not be repurposed, republished or used otherwise. The content herein is owned by the blogger. SuperBloggerChallenge is not responsible for any infringement caused.”


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