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5 Motherhood Mantras I learnt from my experience #Momology

I am not a Parenting expert but Yes ! I am a parent having 12 years of experience.  I am a Mom to a daughter who turned twelve year old in Jan 2019. Nobody is born with special skills  in this world  .  We all learn from here and there – from our family , our surroundings and certainly by our  mistakes in the process of learning .  The same applies to Parenthood ,or I should say motherhood in my case . Parenthood is a great skill and I think we all are learners . In the process , we all form our own Parenthood mantras .

I can’t call myself  very emotional woman but If I analyze my 12 years of parenthood till date , what I find is that I am becoming  quite emotional as I am growing as a Mom. Right on the day of birth of my daughter , the happiness flew as tears when I looked at the little wonder  for the first time . Just watching her while breastfeeding or when she performed for the first time on stage in the school , again made me emotional . May be the Heart was just not able to hold that  immense happiness .

I want my child to have a bold attitude towards life .

I can call myself bold and bindaas who takes life as itcomes . I don’t keep worrying   muchabout the problems the Life poses . I face them boldly and I try to facethem  with a smile. I allow Time to healmy problems . All problems  are not meantto be solved just by myself . I want to develop the same attitude in mydaughter . She should be having the strength to face any  problems alone and find a solution herself .  

My motherhood mantras

Ok now let me concise my Motherhood Mantras – I mean whatever I have learnt during my journey of being a Mom so far .

  1. Be your child’s friend

Enjoy your child’s company . I know there are times when you feel overburdened with your job or other responsibilities but don’t you feel that your child’s smile has the special power to relax you and make you smile ? So why not be child’s friend and spare few minutes to enjoy some silly moments with your child ? May be scribbling with colors or dancing or playing Peekaachoo .  Peekaachoo Up Peekaachoo down ! Heeheehee!  You would certainly remember and miss such things in future . When you spend some playtime with your child , they even obey you . I feel so.

Playing with cake- a moment on her birthday

“The JOY of MOTHERHOOD comes in MOMENTS…Take time to listen, to laugh, and to play together.”

Playing with sand at the Goa beach

2. Involve your child in any household chores and don’t forget to praise

Who doesn’t love to be  praised ? Everybody feels good and  motivated on hearing anything good about himself . So is true when it comes to children. Involve your child in the little tasks – may be filling a water bottle or laying the dinner table or packing his schoolbag on his own. Any task but don’t forget to praise him for that ,especially in front of any guests or his friends . Just avoid talking about child’s mistakes when some guests are there . Also please  avoid complaining about the child  to his teacher in front of the child .

3. Let the child also take important place in   family decisions

Last year when we were planning for shifting to new home , we made it a point to let our daughter sit along every time while budgeting or planning  what to buy . It felt good to watch her make a budget in her diary and accordingly add or subtract ‘to be purchased’ items . She certainly felt  responsible . From the last 3 years , I allocate her a fixed budget for her birthday party and she does all the planning . And I am happy she does it quite well.

Read my post on Motherhood- The Divine Love

4. Reserve some time especially for your child before bed time

It can be story time , book reading , playing a game , listening about  her friends , her day at school or just cuddling . Those hugs and kisses are so important to make your bond stronger . Your bond with your child should be such that he/she shares each and everything with you and respects your advise .

Mom’s kiss before going to bed

5. Stop the unnecessary hurry

I tell you that we as mothers often feel overburdened or irritated by various responsibilities – may be cooking , washing or other jobs being a wife or a homemaker or working mom. And finally what happens is that we yell the frustration away on our child . Dear mothers keep it in mind that ye kaam kabhi khatam honge hi nahi and at 90% of times there is no emergency of the work , but we keep rushing from one task to another . I love a dialogue from one of my favourite hindi movies where Dipika Padukone says “ ज़िंदगी में जितना भी चाहो कुछ न कुछ तो छूटेगा ही , इसलिए जहाँ हैं उसी का मज़ा लेते हैं ना” So why not stop that unnecessary hurry and spend some quality moments with your child .

Quality time of Mom-Daughter at the Pastry shop

Motherhood is a divine gift . Form your own Motherhood mantras and enjoy the journey . Do share your best Mantra in the comments . Happy #Momology

I am submitting this post as a part of #Momology blogtrain hosted by wonderful mothers Roma, Zainab , Geethica and Prisha .

Do read my friend mommy blogger on #Momology blogtrain Aesha


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