Starting September 1 , I am taking part in the BIG blogging campaign #MyfriendAlexa and I have been writing my posts under the theme #LetusKISS . KISS is an acronym for Keep it Simple and Significant and I express my gratefulness to God who made me choose this as my theme I have shared my mind and heart on keeping our Life as simple + significant , and stop unnecessarily making it Complex . Let us focus more on the aspects which make Life significant , memorable and appreciable .
My Gratitude for Pains and Pleasures
Let us divert our focus from mere collection of Things to collection of Moments . Let’s live our Life with Mindfulness rather than our minds always full of worries . Let us follow the path which leads to calmness , happiness , cheerfulness. To achieve a special kind of Fullness in life , Gratefulness also plays a major part . Gratefulness is magnification of the positive happenings in our life . If we can inculcate a habbit of being grateful in all the times , then even the not-so-happy moments have been proven to hurt us less . Gratefulness is focussing on the positive side of Life , looking at the half glass full rather than the half empty one .
How to practice Gratefulness ? Click the link postivepsychologyprogram to read more .
World’s leading expert on Gratefulness –Robert Emmons speaks
Today I want to express my Gratefulness to #MyfriendAlexa
- Grateful that I got the opportunity to take part in #MyfriendAlexa hosted by
- Grateful for the daily reading lists . Hats off to #Myfriendalexa for running the campaign in such an organised way and uniting hundreds of bloggers from across the world .
- Grateful for the increase in number of visitors to my blog .
- Grateful for the increase in number of followers .
- Grateful for the loss of my Alexa rank- Last Friday i.e. on 21st Sep’18 My Indian rank was 109318 and this Friday i.e. 28th Sep’18 my rank is 67960
- Some of my family commitments were keeping me overbusy in this month but I am grateful to the strict teacher #Myfriendalexa which pushed me to complete the daily tasks .
- During the month of September , I wrote 8 posts on my blog and read more than 100 other blogs . Wish I could devote even more time .
- Grateful that I decided my theme as KISS . This let me work more on myself being happy and calm .
- Grateful to my fellow blogger Anupriya for giving an insightful review of my eBook Astitva on her blog .
- Grateful that I got to read Vidya Suri Gratitude journal post.
- Grateful to know about @Smilegifters on
- Grateful to read a religious post on the teachings of Lord Krishna on thebloggersdiary.
- Grateful for getting to know about some SEO tricks . Thanks Blogchatter .
- Grateful for reading different styles of blogposts – cooking , health related or motivational ones .
- Grateful to Indiblogger that my post How to be Calm Under #Myfriendalexa got selected as the featured post . It brought smiles when Indiblogger voted for my post .
- It was good to see people loving my mantra and sending so many comments on my mantra “Better you go Mad ” Did you read it ? If not , go here
- I am happy that I changed my blog theme in this month and my Alubhujia appears smarter to me now.
- Grateful to know about the use of keywords or Google suggestion box or Buzzsumo. I am yet to fully make use of these but earlier , I just didn’t have even a hint of these words .
- Grateful to #Myfriendalexa for letting me know the importance of social media as my friend .
- My daughter suffered with intense fever yesterday. Doctor doubted dengue but I am grateful that the report came out negative . It’s just throat infection and she is recovering now.
Practice Gratitude or Gratefulness on daily basis – find your own ways – maintain a journal, maintain a Gratitude jar or just remember 3 things you are grateful for at the end of your day . Try these practices and I am sure You will be a much happier and contended person . So Go On ! What are you grateful for today ? Think and let me know .
On social media , starting Sep 23 ,2018 , I saw people taking up challenge #100daysofgratitude , as there are just 100 days left for 2018 to finish . The task is to post one thing daily you are grateful for . Although I am late but I wish to start with this challenge . Ok I will start today itself . Better late than never . Why don’t you also join for this gratefulness challenge ? It’s good to spread positive vibes .
I am taking my Alexa rank to next level with #Myfriendalexa
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