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My Gratefulness for 30 days of #MyfriendAlexa : #Gratitude #LetusKISS

Starting September 1 , I am taking part in the BIG blogging campaign #MyfriendAlexa and I have been writing my posts under the theme #LetusKISS . KISS is an acronym for Keep it Simple and Significant and I express  my  gratefulness to God who made  me choose this as my theme  I have shared my mind and heart on keeping our Life as simple + significant , and stop unnecessarily making  it Complex . Let us focus more on the aspects which make Life significant , memorable and  appreciable .

My Gratitude for Pains and Pleasures 

Let us divert our focus from mere collection of  Things to collection of Moments . Let’s live our Life with Mindfulness rather than our minds always full of worries . Let us follow the path which leads to calmness , happiness , cheerfulness. To achieve a special kind of Fullness in life ,  Gratefulness also plays a major part . Gratefulness is magnification of the positive happenings in our life . If we can inculcate  a habbit of being grateful in all the times , then  even  the not-so-happy moments have been proven to hurt us less . Gratefulness is focussing on the positive side of Life , looking at the half  glass full rather than the half empty one .

How to practice Gratefulness ? Click the link postivepsychologyprogram to read more .

World’s leading expert on Gratefulness –Robert Emmons speaks

Today I want to express my Gratefulness to #MyfriendAlexa

  1. Grateful that I got the opportunity to take part in #MyfriendAlexa hosted by
  2. Grateful for the  daily reading lists . Hats off to #Myfriendalexa for running the campaign in such an organised way and uniting hundreds of bloggers from across the world .
  3. Grateful for the increase in number of visitors to my blog .
  4. Grateful for the increase in number of followers .
  5. Grateful for the loss of my Alexa rank- Last Friday i.e. on 21st Sep’18 My Indian rank was 109318 and this Friday i.e. 28th Sep’18 my rank is 67960
  6. Some of my family commitments were keeping me overbusy in this month but I am grateful to the strict teacher #Myfriendalexa which pushed me to complete the daily tasks .
  7. During the month of September , I wrote 8 posts on my blog and read more than  100 other blogs . Wish I could devote even more time .
  8. Grateful that I decided my theme as KISS . This let me work more on myself being happy and calm .
  9. Grateful to my fellow blogger Anupriya for giving an insightful review of my eBook Astitva on her blog .
  10. Grateful that I got to read  Vidya Suri Gratitude journal post.
  11. Grateful to know about @Smilegifters on
  12. Grateful to read a religious post on the teachings of Lord Krishna on thebloggersdiary.
  13.  Grateful for getting to know about some SEO tricks . Thanks Blogchatter .
  14. Grateful for reading different styles of blogposts – cooking , health related or  motivational ones .
  15. Grateful to Indiblogger that my post How to be Calm Under #Myfriendalexa got selected as the featured post . It brought smiles when Indiblogger voted for my post .
  16. It was good to see people loving my mantra and sending so many comments on my mantra “Better you go Mad ” Did you read it ? If not , go here 
  17. I am happy that I changed my blog theme in this month and my Alubhujia appears smarter to me  now.
  18. Grateful to know about the use of keywords or Google suggestion box or Buzzsumo. I am yet to fully make use of these but earlier , I just didn’t have even a hint of these words .
  19. Grateful to #Myfriendalexa for letting me know the importance of social media as my friend .
  20. My daughter suffered with intense fever yesterday. Doctor doubted dengue but I am grateful that the report came out negative . It’s just throat infection and she is recovering now.


Practice Gratitude or Gratefulness on daily basis – find your own ways – maintain a journal, maintain a Gratitude jar or just remember 3 things you are grateful for at the end of your day . Try these practices and I am sure You will be a much happier and contended person . So Go On ! What are you grateful for today ? Think and let me know .

On social media  , starting Sep 23 ,2018 ,  I saw people taking up challenge  #100daysofgratitude , as there are just 100 days left for 2018 to finish . The task is to post one thing daily you are grateful for . Although I am late but I wish to start with this challenge .  Ok  I will start today itself . Better late than never . Why don’t you also join for this gratefulness challenge ?  It’s good to spread positive vibes .

I am taking my Alexa rank to next level with #Myfriendalexa 


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