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ABC of Mindfulness - The tiny steps towards Joyfulness

Nowadays I  often get to read or hear the words – Mindfulness , Gratefulness ,Joyfulness …. The point is why do we need these words ? I mean why ? All these words are ending with fulness . Are we lacking some fullness in our lives ? What do you think ? I think Yes ! we are somewhat lacking the fullness which we actually want out of life . We always feel like we are lacking something , we feel some emptiness in our lives , we feel stressed , we have got habitual of worrying constantly -may be about  past or the uncertain future .

We forget being in the Present moment 

We are eating our food but most of the times we just don’t relish its real taste because while eating ,we are either watching TV or talking with others or lost in self thoughts . We  drive daily in the morning  but we are doing it in auto mode . We are not enjoying the winds or the surroundings while driving because we are either worried about reaching our destination in time or murmuring about the little squabble we had at home . We are working on computer in the office but our mind worries about the sweetheart  whom we left at the creche so early in the morning . There are many such instances in the whole day when we forget being in the Present moment .

Let’s analyze – we are Mindful or Mindfull ?

What is Mindfulness ? Well, Mindfulness is  a way of training our  mind to concentrate on Present in order to feel calm and improve our  mental state . Training the  mind this way is not difficult but needs practice .

[tweetshare tweet=”Mindfulness is not difficult . We just need to remember to do it .” username=”sharealubhujia”]

I have been reading about Mindfulness for the last many days . There’s much to read, listen , learn and practice . Out of all that I understood , here I am listing the ABC of Mindfulness – the first three basic steps towards Mindfulness which can bring you Joyfulness or Cheerfulness .

A is Awareness

Become aware of your  thoughts , feelings , emotions . Notice where your mind wanders , what your mind feels -ups or downs , how your mind reacts- calm or stressed ?  Sit in a relaxed position , close your eyes for few minutes(only few )  and just become Aware of all what is happening in your body and mind . Angry , happy ,excited , jealous , whatever you may feel , let it be .

B is Bring it back

After Awareness , when you have got to know where your mind was wandering , Now it’s time to Bring it Back . Yes , Bring your mind back to Present . Chances are that your mind would love to deviate again  but don’t worry ! Again try to Bring it Back .

C is Concentrate

Concentrate your mind on your breath , and on the Present moment . Are you happy in this moment ? Then what else do you need ? Are you sad in this moment ? No problem , allow tears this time .

Mindfulness is being in the moment , seeing ourselves without any judgement , taking life as it comes and loving every moment of it .

“The little things ? The little moments ? They aren’t little ” says Jon Kobat-Zinn ,one of today’s best known  Mindfulness teachers.

Why should we practice Mindfulness ?

  • When you learn being in the present moment , you start enjoying your work .
  • You worry less about future or blame the past .
  • You would slowly find calmness in your life .
  • You may steadily see improvements in your health- like Blood pressure .
  • You achieve a clearer thinking ability .
  • Sitting with eyes closed for few minutes helps you relax and you can have a better sleep.


There’s lot and lot to learn about Mindfulness . As I learn more , I would love to share more with you . Till then follow ABC of Mindfulness and notice  the calmness and joyfulness  invade your life .

I am taking my Alexa rank to next level with #Myfriendalexa and this is my 7th post under theme #LetusKISS 





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