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Cousins by blood , Friends by choice #HappyFriendshipDay

As The friendship day arrives , I am reminded of all the lovely friends who have been a part of my life . From school to college and now some of my colleagues –all those friends have been  an important aspect of my life . Some of them are cute , some crazy , some are like  angry stuff and some are funny. Friends are so important in our life . And there are some special friends whom I  know since birth  and these are the ones who loved me yesterday , love me today and for sure would love me  forever . These special friends are my  Cousins . Yes  ! We are cousins by blood but friends by choice . Dear all cousins , you make my life worth living . I love you all !


Where should I start writing from ? The very first moments which unfold  in front of my eyes are the times when I , Nitu , Gitu would wear lehngas and dance for hours together at any family function , be it a small birthday party .  The music to our dance used to be given by Munish Bhaiya on his drums . That small birthday party was not small but used to be a big occasion for all of us . We used to enjoy decorating our house , prepare for dance , play games and then eat together . Games !! Oh when I say games – I just can’t stop laughing even alone , as those games were the extraordinary ones and our little sister  Gitu has still  kept some records safe . HaHa !! The most memorable is the Dumb Charades  game which we all used to play the whole night at Nani’s place .  O my God , we could play it in our rajai(quilt) too when the elders ordered us to switch off the lights and sleep .

Getting together at Nani’s place used to be so wonderful . Cooking Biryani and golgappas together and then serving to everybody on paid basis used to make us rich for the evening party .  The fun times came along with the little fights which could range from pillow fights -slap fights –hair fights or a rare case of chappal fights . I still remember the fights Munish Bhaiya , Me and Swati used to share . Swati  You used to give him tough fights yaar ! And Sunny was so sweeeet ! He is the same even today – my sweet little brother who talks less but cares more .  I am reminded of the adorable dance movements of Honey , Sunny and Money . Sunny was shy but Honey used to shake the room with his dance . Money(The Golu )being the youngest , grabbed  everyone’s love .

family is my real wealth 

We all grew up so fast , had to move in different directions for studies and then jobs . One by one , all got married and then came more friends in our family . Yes ! Brothers brought Bhabis and Sisters brought Jijus in the family . Priyanka ,  Jyoti , Bhawna , Deepika , all are my sweet Bhabis  whose company is so warm whenever we get to meet at any family function . Bhaiya ki khushiyon ki chaabi I love you Bhabi !!!  Now come Jijus . Jijus are always so special . Isn’t it ??  All my jijus  have such a cool nature . I must say that our family is blessed to have such pleasant personalities  . God bless them all .

[tweetshare tweet=”Nobody can understand the craziness of your family better than your cousins .” username=”sharealubhujia”]

Read What I wrote on my childhood memories 

What else should I write ? The childhood moments are unlimited which I want to share -the funny or the sentimental  . Today all of us are living far in different cities but even today , our hearts are very close . And thanks to whatsapp , the daily chats don’t let us feel to be far away from each other .  Together , we stay connected and we feel blessed . Dear friends , Let’s always stay close to each other  .  May our love always keep growing . I am happy that I have a family who is my strength and my happiness .  Today It’s friendship day and I wish you all a very very happy friendship Day !! Love you all !!  Hope to meet you soon .

Here are the few lines I dedicate to our friendship — ‘Hum sath sath hain ‘





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