Everything changes . You acted like mad sometimes in college but now you find all that to be foolish . You were able to do high energy tasks when young but with age , you start finding the task difficult . You used to love the risky rides but now you just can’t dare anything risky . You have started feeling the changes in yourself with age. You have got wrinkles on face , spectacles on eyes , grey hair , some aches in the body , some tensions in your mind or some regrets in your heart. We all change . That is natural . This natural course of life is prosperity .(How? Read a story ) But if you keep yourself young at heart , your biological age won’t matter much . Keep yourself enthusiastic about life always . Don’t keep regrets till the end of your life . Simple tips to stay always young at heart Be Honest , Truthful and Loving If you are not truthful or honest or keep bad feelings for others , that is reflected on your personality . 2. Be Kind to others 3.Practice G...
You are the artist of your life . Design it well !