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Showing posts from March, 2019

खौफ्फ़ An Empowerment Story -in Hindi #WomensDay

बचपन याद करने बैठूं तो काले घने बादलों सा एहसास होता है एक माँ के इलावा कोई भी तो प्यार नहीं करता था मुझे माँ तो कभी ” मेरा प्यारा बच्चा ” कहकर चूम लेती तो कई बार मुझे गले लगाकर कहती ” दुनिया की सबसे खूबसूरत गुड़िया तो भगवान् ने मुझे ही दे दी “….. मैं भी माँ से पूरा ज़ोर लगाकर लिपट जाती थी । आँखें नम हो जाती थी माँ की ,इतना प्यार करती थी मुझे…. लेकिन घर के बाकी सब लोग , यहाँ तक कि बाबा भी मुझे “कलंक” कहते रहते थे , माँ को भी अक्सर सुनाया जाता “कलंक लगाकर रख दिया पूरे खानदान पर ” मेरा छोटा सा नादान सा मन समझ नहीं पाता था कि मैं दरअसल हूँ क्या —-एक खूबसूरत सा कलंक ? कलंक शब्द का मतलब भी तो नहीं समझाया  था स्कूल में मैडम ने । एक दिन स्कूल से लौटते हुए कुछ घृणित नज़रों ने मुझ पर वार कर दिया , घर आकर जब माँ को उन मैले हाथों व्  पहली बार अपने तन पर महसूस किये उस घिनौने दर्द का ज़िक्र किया तो माँ की दिल की धड़कन जैसे अचानक बढ़ गयी , आँखें खुली की खुली रह गयीं पर माँ ने मेरे होठों पर ज़ोर से ऊँगली दबाकर कहा ” चुप बस चुप मुँह पर ता...

We together celebrate the essence of Womanhood #InternationalWomensDay

Firstly , Wish you all a very happy #InternationalWomensDay With the arrival of #InternationalWomensDay , there is a marathon of discussions and celebrations on Women . People want to know about history of Women’s day , want to define womanhood , know about feminism and shout out loud especially on social media . What is womanhood and why this #InternationalWomensDay ? Women’s day is celebrated globally every year on 8th of March. The day is to mark women’s struggle for equality . Isn’t it strange that even the 21st century couldn’t bring equality in the minds ? Somewhere or the other a balance is still missing  between the two genders. My mind questions – Why is this gender balance still not up to the mark ? Why women need to struggle against so many challenges ? Why a man doing household chores is seen as odd ? Why is a woman asked not to be out of home when it gets  dark ? Why is a woman advised to make compromises in family ? Many more of such que...

Woman- The Shakti - Can you raise your voice ?

Hi , Today is 4th March 2019 and it’s the sacred hindu festival Mahashivratri today . Lots of wishes to all of you on this day . ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ Happy MahaShivratri  Shiva – who is sometimes called bholenath and sometimes a destroyer ,   is shown in  Ardhnaarishwar form too where half of him is  Parvati-The Shakti . The Ardhnaarishwar form of God represents the union  of masculine and feminine energies of the universe .  As is birth and death , light and darkness , day and night , so is masculine and feminine . The masculine and feminine are qualities and don’t mean just male and female . God’s feminine energy is Parvati -The Shakti . When even the supreme power is incomplete without Shakti , how can a man be complete without a woman ? International Women’s day is approaching . As the month of March starts , there can be much read or listened about womanhood or feminism . People want to discuss about feminism or women more and more as it is ...

Weightloss recipes: My 4 Instant & Calorie-Free Snacks

I am a fitness conscious person and nowadays focussing on fitness & weightloss on my blog too under #superbloggerchallenge . The first good thing happened to me during this participation is that I started having green tea . It’s been only few days but I am loving it . Another good thing is that I am trying my hands on some weightloss recipes which can be healthy calorie-free snacks . Here are some of the weightloss and calorie-free recipes which are nutritious , yummy and can be cooked instantly in minutes . Quick Masala Idli When it comes to healthy snacking and weightloss , Idlis are the prefernce .Made from Suji and curd , enhanced with various veggies is a delicious low calorie breakfast recipe which is very light on your stomach , and adding almost nil calories to your body . Idli does not contain any fat or cholesterol. And the best part is that it is a quick recipe . Add Suji, curd , pinch of salt , and finally eno just before keeping the container in microwave ...