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Showing posts from August, 2018

Who lifts your spirits ? #tuesdayphotochallenge

The theme for this week’s #tuesdayphotochallenge is Lift . Here is my take on the theme . His mere presence is enough to lift my energy level , enhance my mood and bring a smile on my face . His belief in my abilities motivates me to work with greater strength . His warm love , care and support have the power to make me free from all worries and feel like a child again . He is the one who always lifts me higher —right from lifting me up in his arms when I was a child  to  lifting my spirits  even today .  That special person is none other than my  Dad . Love you Dad !! Me with my Dad . We took this pic on 26 Aug 2018 on the sacred festival of Rakshabandhan   [tweetshare tweet=”Surround yourself with the people who are going to lift your spirits .” via=”no”] Have you ever thought who is that person in your life who  lifts you spirits ? Please reply in the comments below .  

My Gratitude for the little Pains and Pleasures

Life offers us a lot . Smiles & Cries , Pains & Pleasures , Calm & Crazy , Laughter & Tears , Friends & Enemies . See there is so much variety our life brings for us . This variety of situations & emotions keep the life interesting , atleast I think so . After all, a long drive even on  those ultra smooth roads  doesn’t bring the  thrill out of the heart  unless you have  already  experienced  some bumps or traffic or speed breakers .  Same is the case with our life . We can value our pleasures fully only if we have experienced pains . We can  enjoy our laughter in the real sense today only if our eyes have ever flown with tears of sorrow  in the past . We can feel thankful for the care, love & blessings  of our dear ones  only if  we know how it felt when someone had hurt our feelings . So I think we should be grateful for our little pains and pleasures in the life . Yes  I am calling them little , as none of them is permanent . And above all it is our...

अभी तो बहुत से कार्य बाकी हैं #lastdayonearth

  क्या ? आज मेरे जीवनकाल का आखिरी दिन है ? नहीं नहीं प्रभु ऐसी शीघ्रता मत दिखाओ अभी तो बहुत से कार्य बाकी हैं नौकरी , बच्चों की ज़िम्मेदारी , परिवार की देखभाल , सब बाकी है कुछ दिलों में अपनेपन के एहसास जगाना बाकी है कुछ प्रियजनों को गले लगाना बाकी है तो कुछ से माफ़ी माँगना बाकी है अपने कटु शब्दों के लिए पश्चाताप के आंसू बहाना भी बाकी है नहीं नहीं प्रभु ऐसी शीघ्रता मत दिखाओ अभी तो बहुत से कार्य बाकी हैं सोचा था रोज़ाना प्रभु स्मृति में चंद मिनट ज़रूर बिताएंगे रोज़ाना एक अच्छी आदत अपनाएंगें रोज़ाना नहीं तो कभी कभी तो ज़रूर किसी रोते को हसांयेंगें पर ये क्या ? आज मेरे जीवनकाल का आखिरी दिन है ? नहीं नहीं प्रभु ऐसी शीघ्रता मत दिखाओ अभी तो बहुत से कार्य बाकी हैं हम किन झमेलों में उलझे रहे ? रोज़ाना बस दौड़ते ही रहे ‘समय नहीं है’  ऐसा बहाना अक्सर दोस्तों को लगाते गए  सुबह नौकरी पर पहुँचने की दौड़ तो शाम को घर वापसी की दौड़ कभी दोस्त की बड़ी गाड़ी से जलन , तो कभी अपना घर न होने की कसक अभी तो इस जलन व् कसक को मिटाना बाकी है प्रभु नहीं नहीं प्रभु ऐसी शीघ्रता मत दिखाओ अभी तो बहुत से कार्य बाक...

Cousins by blood , Friends by choice #HappyFriendshipDay

As The friendship day arrives , I am reminded of all the lovely friends who have been a part of my life . From school to college and now some of my colleagues –all those friends have been  an important aspect of my life . Some of them are cute , some crazy , some are like  angry stuff and some are funny. Friends are so important in our life . And there are some special friends whom I  know since birth  and these are the ones who loved me yesterday , love me today and for sure would love me  forever . These special friends are my  Cousins . Yes  ! We are cousins by blood but friends by choice . Dear all cousins , you make my life worth living . I love you all ! Where should I start writing from ? The very first moments which unfold  in front of my eyes are the times when I , Nitu , Gitu would wear lehngas and dance for hours together at any family function , be it a small birthday party .  The music to our dance used to be given by Munish Bhaiya on his drums . That small birthday p...

Celebrating Friendship in a Unique Way #FriendshipDay

It was just so wonderful to know about a woman who  donated her kidney to a friend, a serving army officer . Varsha Sharma , aged 48 yr responded  positively when she came to know about one of her friend’s need of a kidney .   She wanted   to undergo   this unrelated    kidney transplant for her friend Col .Bhargava . Although her family strictly opposed it and  posed many hurdles but she was determined . She moved the court also , won the legal battle and successfully  underwent surgery on 27 July 2018 . She celebrated Friendship in a unique way . Hats off to such Real Friends !! You can read the full news published   in Times of India here For Quotes on Friendship visit here Celebrating Friendship with my Cousins